Jumat, 09 April 2010


In the name of Allah, Most gracious, Most Merciful. Thank to Allah who has given me mercy, ability blessing until I can finish this thesis. Shalawat and salam to great prophet Muhammad SAW, peace be upon him who had bought us from the darkness to the lightness.
I would give special thanks very much to the following person who had given me many suggests and advices until I can finish this thesis.

1) My Beloved Parents, Mr. Riswat Rakhta and Mrs. Syakdiah Nasution and my beloved brothers, Renra Rukmana, Radinal Anhar and my sister, Rabitah Maulida, thank you very much for providing me with financial and spiritual supports to finish S-1 Program. Even thought you are far from me but you always stay in my heart. I dedicate this thesis to all of you. This is my family’s ambition in this life. I had proved we could do it.
2) My sweetheart for best support me, believe or not you’re the one of my motivators to graduate my study quickly and I will pass away my life without your shadow. I hope we will reach our happiness.
3) Mr. Didik Santoso, as my first advisor, for his valuable, suggestion, criticisms, ideas, also correcting for writing and completing this thesis better.
4) Mrs. Hj. Tien Rafida, as my second advisor, for her kidness, attention and ideas for writing and completing this thesis.
5) Mr. Irwan Nasution, Dean of Tarbiyah Faculty, State Institute for Islamic Studies North Sumatera Medan, the staffs, the lectures, especially those who have educated and taught me, so I am be able to finish my study.
6) Mr. Syahrum, the Chief of English Education Department.
7) Mrs. Nursalimi as the Principle of MTsN 2 Medan.
8) Mrs. Nita Ariani as the English Teacher of MTsN 2 Medan who has allowed me to carry out this research at the school and also the ninth classes students at MTsN 2 Medan 2009-2010, who helped me to do the research.
9) Thanks to my fighting friends in PBI, for your spirit to do the best, and your motivation when I am down. I am realize that “we born to fight”. I hope and pray we will get our dreams someday.
10) All of my friends in Asrama Univ. A. Hamzah. Nice to meet all of you.

The aim at finishing this thesis as a partial of fulfillment S-1 degree. I realize that I am only human whose many mistakes and witness. I will be very happy if someone gives critics and suggestion for this research. May Allah always bless and mercy us.

Medan, October 16th, 2009
The writer

Ricky Alannuari, S.Pd.I


Belajarlah olehmu akan ilmu, sebab mempelajari ilmu akan memberikan rasa takut kepada ridho, menuntutnya merupakan ibadah, mengulangnya merupakan tasbih, membahsanya merupakan ijtihad, mengajarkannya kepada orang yang belum mengetahui merupakan sedekah jari’ah dan menyerahkan kepada ahlinya merupakan pendekatan diri kepada Allah SWT.
(H.R. Ibnu Abdul)

Puji dan syukur
Kalimat pertama yang terucap
Disaat jerih payah telah kulalui
Disaat asa telah kuraih
Dan gelar Sarjana Pendidikan Islam telah kusandang
Ayah , Ibu ...
Dengan do’a aku melangkah
Dengan restumu aku perjuangkan amanatmu
Do’amu adalah kekuatan untukku
Restumu adalah perjuanganku
Ibu, dengan lentik jarimu
Kau belai Aku
Ayah dengan tetes keringatmu
Kau buat Aku menjadi orang yang berfikir
Terima kasih Ayahanda dan Ibunda
Kini keringatmu telah berhasil Aku wujudkan
Dalam uraian kata demi kata
Yang menjelma dalam karya tulis

Dengan segenap rasa cinta, syukur dan hormat ananda persembahkan Karya Tulis ini untuk orang-orang yang kusayang dan berarti dalam hidupku :
Ayahanda : Riswat Rakhta, S.Pd
Ibunda : Sakdiah Nasution
Adinda : Renra Rukmana
Radinal Anhar
Rabitah Maulida.

Salam Kasih Ananda
My love for You all

Ricky Alannuari, S.Pd.I


Name : Ricky Alannuari
Student Number : 34.05.23860
Place / Date of Birth : Tanjung Pura, 16 Oktober 1987
Sex : M a l e
Religion : I s l a m
Nationally / Ethnicity : Indonesia / Malaynese
Marital status : Single
Father’s Name : Riswat Rakhta, S.Pd
Mother’s Name : Syakdiah Nasution
Current Academic Status : Student of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies North Sumatera –
Address : Jln. Williem Iskandar Psr V Medan Estate Kompleks Univ. Amir Hamzah No.06

Educational Background :
1. Primary School at SDN 050726 Tanjung Pura, Langkat
2. Junior High School at MTs N Tanjung Pura, Langkat
3. Senior High School at MAN 2 Tanjung Pura, Langkat
4. Student of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies North Sumatera – Medan

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